A curated gallery to display art and photography produced by folk of varying abilities to help offer exposure and increase awareness of local creativity and develop peer support network opportunities. We also include works from those further afield to help build on the existing network that local creatives currently access.

Free regular showings of films and documentaries, featuring a mix of local interest (Whistle down the Wind, Sam Hanna shorts etc), with classic and contemporary cinema from around the world (films by directors including Herzog, Kurosawa, Kieslowski etc) to help promote community cohesion.
In addition to this we are currently looking at providing opportunities for local film makers to feature their own work.

Ongoing creative writing projects including poetry, short stories, rap, and local-based non-fiction. Previous modules have included group sessions on reflective rhyming, online blogging and digital resources, and potential publishing options. We are currently looking at further opportunities for events and groups.

A variety of ongoing person-centred Life-Coaching projects, developing coping strategies, and increasing emotional resilience in the co-creation of bespoke personal plans based on abilities and circumstance, reducing dependency on local services, and increasing skills and abilities to help facilitate appropriate employment possibilities and educational opportunities.

A celebration of the natural diversity present in the Burnley area- archiving visual and audio materials. This project is age and disability inclusion and includes further opportunities for exhibitions and the creation of calendars.

A curated gallery to display art and photography produced by folk of varying abilities to help offer exposure and increase awareness of local creativity and develop peer support network opportunities. We also include works from those further afield to help build on the existing network that local creatives currently access.

A collection of podcasts with further opportunities to raise awareness of local artists through sharing and publicising their work.